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Sree Rama Chaitanya

Molecular Biology

I am a molecular biologist interested in how DNA and RNA work together in cells. What started as the last question in my Ph.D. dissertation exam - “how would you explain your work to a layman?” - brought me to science communication.

Sree has authored 2 articles

How survival of the fittest can look a lot like rock-paper-scissors

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Sometimes ancestors are more "fit" than their progeny

Sree Rama Chaitanya

DNA-RNA hybrid molecules keep the very centers of our cells together

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Complex arrangements of these molecules keep the molecular machinery in our cells working properly

Sree Rama Chaitanya

Sree has shared 8 notes

Intestinal roundworm cells eat their own DNA as part of a healthy lifecycle

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During their development, DNA off the ends of their chromosomes are chopped off and destroyed

Tardigrades glow bright to survive blasts of UV radiation

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A fluorescent coat protects some species of tardigrade from lethal doses of UV radiation

Researchers discover a new high-altitude Himalayan lake — and its waters are red

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The reddish hue of the lake is likely due to iron-rich minerals in the area

Working-class ants take the reins when the Indian jumping ant queen dies

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This transition fundamentally changes their brains

How does space travel affect astronaut's chromosomes?

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Astronaut study reveals new intricacies of spaceflight radiation's stress on telomere length

Scientists discover a gene for scarless skin regeneration

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This gene is active in newborn mice and gets turned off as they age

Succinate is the key to muscle communication during exercise

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A new study examines the complex molecular signaling that happens in your muscles when you move

A special protein keeps chromosomes neat and clean during mitosis

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The protein, called Ki-67, has similar properties to our detergents