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Rebecca Lea Morris


Rebecca has authored 3 articles

The twisted math of knot theory can help you tell an overhand knot from an unknot

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It's knot always easy to tell if two knots are the same

Rebecca Lea Morris

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Academia should incentivize mathematicians to make their work more accessible

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Math papers that are difficult to understand prevent scientists from learning about tools they can use in their research

Rebecca Lea Morris

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Meet Sophie Germain, the amateur mathematician who worked on number theory's toughest problem

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Germain, or "Monsieur LeBlanc" to her professors, took a bold and creative approach to life and math

Rebecca Lea Morris

Rebecca has shared 6 notes

Scientists can learn to do better science from philosophers

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A new research paper demonstrates how science and philosophy exist on a continuum

Despite a mistaken mathematical proof, you do only need four colors to make a good map

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Alfred Kempe's 1879 proof of the Four Color Theorem contained a mistake. Nearly a century, later his work was vindicated

Science and philosophy can, and should, coexist

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MC Hammer's recent tweet has sparked a conversation about the complementary nature of these two fields

Privileged researchers are over-represented in open access literature

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Male STEM researchers at prestigious institutions are more able than others to make their papers open access

Retracted papers continue to circulate on social media, spreading misinformation

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We should all be diligent about vetting the research we share — here's how

Mathematicians hope digital "proof assistants" will fix the field's own replication crisis

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Computer programs can be better than humans, but they're not perfect