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Max G. Levy

Science and Health Journalism and Chemical Engineering

Assistant editor and science writer with a PhD in chemical & biological engineering. My PhD research focused on designing nanoparticles to kill multi-drug resistant bacteria. Now, I write about all the ways scientists are trying to save lives around the world.

Max has authored 12 articles

A smart ‘second skin’ shape-shifts to block out chemical weapons

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The smart fabric made of carbon nanotubes is light, breathable, and can change how first-responders deal with sarin

Max G. Levy

To stop pancreatic cancer from spreading, cut out the chatter

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By switching off cell-to-cell communication, researchers turned cancer’s bazooka into a rubber pistol

Max G. Levy

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Chemists are decoding the fruity scent of lemur stink flirting

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New study identifies the molecules of a key lemur scent, but experts hesitate to call them pheromones

Max G. Levy

Hurricanes are shaping lizard feet all over the world

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New study shows that lizards evolve and maintain wider toepads to survive hurricane winds

Max G. Levy

Extreme microbes survive the desert by dissolving rocks with acid

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"...the thought about the desert dehydrating the rocks was not correct. It was actually the microbes dehydrating the rock"

Max G. Levy

A slime mold changes its mind: an interview with slime mold scientist Audrey Dussutour

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How do slime molds and ants make decisions without a central brain?

Max G. Levy

With no vaccine anytime soon, how will we treat COVID-19?

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The science behind stopping this spiky spherical virus

Max G. Levy

'Symbiosis/Dysbiosis' VR art installation will let you see, feel, hear the invisible

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Tosca Terán and Sara Lisa Vogl speak with Massive about stimulating senses in their art

Max G. Levy

Anuses can have teeth, farts can be weapons, butts can be homes: an interview with a farts expert

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Zoologist and butt book author Dani Rabaiotti on the worst fart she ever smelled and what new fart research she'd like to see

Max G. Levy

Futuristic organ-on-a-chip technology now seems more realistic than ever

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Researchers have pioneered what may be the most accurate simulation of kidney function to-date

Max G. Levy

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Mosquito-borne diseases get a boost from climate change

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Bugs like it hot, and evolve faster when there's lots of carbon dioxide

Max G. Levy

PFAS chemicals reach remote oceans and accumulate in whales, dolphins, and other ocean life

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Scientists studying the 'forever chemicals' say this trend is concerning

Max G. Levy

Max has shared 13 notes

Scientists celebrate Inverte-Butt-Fest, a photographic homage to spineless backsides

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"Invert butts should be celebrated because they have a wide diversity in form and function, and because they bring us all joy"

How a pair of rude gut germs perfectly summarize our war against superbugs

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One overstays its welcome, and the other shows up unannounced to ruin the party

CDC chimes in on disinfecting and reopening during pandemic

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Guidance builds on administration's advice to reopen

Netflix's new show, Diagnosis, replaces House M.D. with the crowd — and exposes failures in the U.S. healthcare system

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The patient in the first episode travels to Italy to get a diagnosis that never even occurred to her local doctors

What will dexamethasone do to President Trump?

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The cognitive and immunological effects of steroids face a test at a critical point in Trump's illness

While other parts of the world burn, climate change is triggering floods and disease outbreaks in East Africa

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At least 62 people have died and 15,000 contracted chikungunya in Sudan and Ethiopia

Meet the all-star cast of marine bacteria that can ruin your warm-weather activities

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Each member of the Vibrio family is unique, but they're all likely getting more common as the oceans warm

Tear gas used in 2020 protests wreaked havoc on people's health

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The chemical control isn't just a short-term irritant. For many, it caused lasting physical and psychological effects, including menstrual issues

NASA celebrates 50 years since Apollo 13, their most successful failure

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New video visualizes the Moon's surface as the Apollo 13 crew witnessed it

How did the bear cross the road? Wildlife corridor's success caught on video

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The important project allows safe movement for even some of the largest mammals in North America

Coronavirus forces the world's largest physics conference to cancel its annual meeting

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The public health decision is getting mixed reactions