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Liza Brusman

Molecular Biology

University of Colorado, Boulder

Liza has authored 3 articles

Sex isn't binary, and we should stop acting like it is

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It's time for legislation and education to reflect sex as a spectrum with unlimited options

Liza Brusman

Science thinks it's unbiased. Queer scientists know that's not true

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Being a queer scientist is an uphill battle for every inch

Liza Brusman

El sexo no es binario, y deberíamos dejar de pretender que lo es

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Es hora de que la legislación y la educación reflejen el sexo como un espectro con opciones ilimitadas

Liza Brusman

Minerva Contreras

Liza has shared 1 note

Five newly discovered proteins patrol cell nuclei

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These proteins might shed light on how to treat diseases like progeria