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Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds


McGill University

I’m a PhD candidate at McGill University in Montréal. I study how the brain is developing during adolescence and how environmental factors, such as exposure to drugs of abuse, can impact that development. Outside of the lab you can find me at the weekly trivia night I run, or curling (!!) in the winter.

Lauren has contributed to 1 report

Massive Science Report № 2

Opening Our Minds

Join five scientists as they explain the research behind new psychedelic treatments for mental illnesses

Lauren has authored 12 articles

Five facts about Rita Levi-Montalcini, who figured out how neurons grow

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She bested anti-Semitism and sexism to have a Nobel-winning career

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

That bossy GPS voice isn't actually necessary for navigating

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New research suggests our brains update an internal 'cognitive map' when the environment changes

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

Maria Goeppert Mayer discovered the magic numbers at the center of atoms

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She didn't have a paid professorship until three years before her Nobel prize

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

Meet Mamie Phipps Clark, the social psychologist who helped outlaw segregated schools

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She became the first black woman to earn a PhD in psychology from Columbia University

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

Do dogs really, truly understand what we tell them?

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Scientists trained some pups to endure MRIs to help find out

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

We're beginning to understand why spinal cord tissue is so hard to heal

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A group of recent findings may eventually pave the way for better treatments

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

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Meet Dr. Gladys West, the hidden figure behind your phone's GPS

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Gladys West is one of the reasons why you can receive driving directions from your phone or tag a photo location on Instagram

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

Meet Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer

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A "prophet of the computer age," she saw the potential for computers outside of pure mathematics

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

These researchers want to stop treating depression with trial and error

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A promising startup is using deep learning to tailor treatments to patients

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds

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5 facts about Marie Curie, chemist, physicist, and Nobel legend

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She was the first woman to win one – much less two – Nobel Prizes

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds