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Dan Samorodnitsky


SUNY Buffalo

My name's Dan. I'm the Senior Editor at Massive Science. When I was a researcher, I would read paper after paper, wishing scientists would write like humans. Now, at Massive, I am striking "furthermore" and "additionally" from the human lexicon.

Dan has contributed to 3 reports

Massive Science Report № 3

You Are What You Meat

We worked with scientists in the field to explain how we’re growing meats in labs—and when you can eat them. It's your introduction to the next agricultural revolution.

Massive Science Report № 2

Opening Our Minds

Join five scientists as they explain the research behind new psychedelic treatments for mental illnesses

Massive Science Report № 1

You Don't Know GMOs

We've gathered a team of geneticists, biologists, and environmental scientists to bring you the most up-to-date report on the science, history, and safety of genetically-modified organisms.

Dan has authored 25 articles

Biology is a spectrum

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Life on Earth is complex and irreducible

Dan Samorodnitsky

Dear Harvard, Berkeley, and MIT: don't patent CRISPR

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Everyone should benefit from this once-in-a-lifetime discovery

Dan Samorodnitsky

Genetically modified crops are way more common than you'd think

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It's not just about what you eat – GM crops make their way into everything

Dan Samorodnitsky

What’s happening in Texas is climate nihilism

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The disastrous blackouts are the government admitting they don't care if some people die

Dan Samorodnitsky

The lab-leak hypothesis for COVID-19 is becoming a conspiracy theory

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To explain where SARS-CoV-2 came from, look at processes with scientific explanations and precedents

Dan Samorodnitsky

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Charles Darwin, made flesh and tedious

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A new book humanizes the legend, but few will want to read it

Dan Samorodnitsky

Will genetic choice make sex obsolete?

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Anyone hoping to shop for blemish-free, farm-to-crib babies with no diseases and a poet’s soul will be disappointed

Dan Samorodnitsky

Meet Lady Mary Montagu, who brought smallpox inoculation to England

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This poet and essayist likely saved many lives from this deadly, disfiguring disease

Dan Samorodnitsky

The protein Klotho could extend the life of the brain. Is that a good thing?

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Klotho originates in the brain but the hype has spread worldwide

Dan Samorodnitsky

Climate strikers send a message: "Put your planet and its people over profit"

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"We are supposed to be the 'leaders of tomorrow', but are being forced to become the leaders of today because our current leaders refuse to hear our cries"

Dan Samorodnitsky

Scientists found an entire herpes virus genome hiding out in fish DNA

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Researchers have made a bizarre discovery involving transposons, parasitic DNA found in fish (and humans)

Dan Samorodnitsky

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Henry Greely, bioethicist and attorney, on why genetic tech isn't so scary

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'I probably wouldn’t regulate anything except possibly parents'

Dan Samorodnitsky

Science brawls, explained by a scientist

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Here's what scientists are feuding about online this week

Dan Samorodnitsky

An anonymous COVID-19 contact tracing app that warns you when your friends are sick

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A different kind of contact tracing sounds an alarm when people in your social circle are falling ill

Dan Samorodnitsky

Should peer review stop being anonymous?

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Prominent researchers can take the gamble, but junior scientists risk retribution

Dan Samorodnitsky

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The water supply for billions of people is drying up

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The cryosphere is melting, sea levels are rising, and oceans are acidifying, says upcoming IPCC report

Dan Samorodnitsky

Meet Stephanie Kwolek, the woman who gave us bulletproof vests and yoga pants

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The long-serving DuPont chemist invented kevlar and contributed to spandex

Dan Samorodnitsky

The Republican tax plan would hurt students and young people. We can't let it pass

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Making tuition waivers taxable would keep students out of the middle class the proposal claims to protect

Dan Samorodnitsky

Dan has shared 32 notes

Space futurism is stupid

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There is no reason to think that billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk know what's best for humanity

CDC confirms three person-to-person cases of coronavirus in the United States

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The number includes a patient in Sacramento County, California, but it does not include 44 people from a cruise ship quarantined in Japan

Don't believe the conspiracy theories you hear about coronavirus and HIV

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Especially if you work for the New York Times

And now some stories of scientists getting mansplained to

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Being an expert in your field doesn't stop people from telling you what they think

The Trump administration puts transphobic pseudoscience into law

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They call it science but it's nothing of the sort

These are the health effects of tear gas

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Tear gas can kill, but exposure can also cause chronic respiratory difficulty and severe eye injuries for months and potentially years after

Sydney Brenner: the last giants of 20th century biology

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Losing one of the heroes of 20th century science

No more coronavirus takes

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Please I'm begging you

A continuously updated list of bad genetics studies

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Is there a gene for being a cat person? A dog person? A mean person? A selfish person?

The best science stories from around the web, hand-curated and eye-read by science writers

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The week's not over yet but it's been pretty good so far

Researchin' with urchins

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Take a look inside the lab of a sea urchin researcher

USDA and FDA announce that they'll both regulate cellular agriculture, but at different stages

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The decision can be seen as a win for the companies that are working on cell-based meat products

Catch Mercury crossing in front of the Sun, or wait 'til 2032 for your next chance

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From about 7:35AM to 1PM EST, a tiny dot will chug across the Sun

Remembering Katherine Johnson. A space scientist's life in pictures

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A critical scientist for the space program, passed away today at 101

Apollo 11 brought messages from Earth to the Moon and then almost forgot about them

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A gold olive branch, an Apollo 1 commemoration, and messages from world leaders were tossed off the lander's ladder

Take CRISPR/Cas9 outside, use it like a hand-held search engine for wild genomes

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Instead of little robots, using proteins as naturally occurring nanotechnology