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Anna Wernick


University College London

Anna has authored 1 article

How seven cases of a mysterious opioid-induced disease revolutionized Parkinson's research

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In the early 1980s, seven people took synthetic heroin. What happened next drastically changed our understanding of Parkinson's disease, and how to treat it

Anna Wernick

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Did humans ever hibernate to survive harsh winters?

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Fossil evidence from Spain suggests early humans may have hibernated for up to four months at a time

New imaging technique follows antibiotics directly into tuberculosis-infected cells

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Tuberculosis requires a 6-12 month treatment course, and now scientists know why

A protein variant inherited from Neanderthals protects people from severe COVID-19

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The protein in question activates enzymes in our cells that degrade RNA

Having trouble sleeping? Look to the moon for answers

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New research shows that our circadian rhythms are guided by the moon as well as the sun

Tasmanian devils are changing their behavior to avoid giving each other cancer

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Devil facial tumor disease has proved disastrous for these animals