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Xinwen Zhu

Systems Biology

Boston University

I am a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering at Boston University. My interests are in systems and synthetic biology, and I’m using the social amoeba as a model system to investigate multicellular coordination. Prior to this, I did an undergrad and a MSc at McGill University where I looked at G protein signaling pathways and the (dys)regulation of transcriptional elongation in leukemia.

Xinwen has authored 2 articles

Slime mold and cancer cells "sniff" their way through mazes by breaking down chemical molecules

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Research demonstrates that cells are capable of sensing, and creating, chemical gradients to travel long distances

Xinwen Zhu

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Researchers use CRISPR to eliminate HIV in mice, DNA and all

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CRISPR is the latest tool adapted from the microbial world to treat infections

Xinwen Zhu

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Xinwen has shared 3 notes

Bacteria that live in our guts and underground have circadian clocks

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Circadian clocks help our bodies track a daily rhythm, but the reason these bacteria have them remains unclear

Planting trees is great, but it's not a silver bullet for stopping climate change

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Although new research finds that huge areas of the earth could be reforested, this will not let us off the hook for reducing emissions

In Japan, it is already legal to create human-animal hybrid organisms — should we?

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This research might help patients waiting for donated organs, but it comes with serious ethical considerations