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Thiago Arzua


Medical College of Wisconsin

Born and raised in Curitiba, Brazil, Thiago Arzua now pursues his Ph.D. in neuroscience at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Before that, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, with a minor in French, at the University of South Florida. His doctoral research focuses on human stem cells derived neuronal models, such as cerebral organoids. This cutting-edge type of 3D brain tissue can model a variety of brain diseases, as well as brain development, morphology, and physiology.

Thiago has authored 5 articles

People missing the scent region of their brain can still smell

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Scientists thought you needed an olfactory bulb to smell — then they discovered two unique women

Thiago Arzua

A new machine can translate brain activity directly into written sentences

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Translating up to 50 sentences at once, it's about as accurate as human transcription

Thiago Arzua

A smell test can predict whether unresponsive patients will recover

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Smell could be the key to predicting recovery paths for people after brain injuries

Thiago Arzua

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New research shows how one sniff separates trillions of molecules into smells

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These new findings could explain how humans are capable of detecting over a trillion odors

Thiago Arzua

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Miniature brains the size of a pea are sending out brainwaves for the first time

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Are they fetal brains in a jar? No. Should we still be excited and slightly concerned? Yes.

Thiago Arzua

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Thiago has shared 8 notes

Despite a flashy design, Elon Musk's Neuralink has little substance

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Neuralink is one in a long line of brain-machine interfaces developed over the past 50 years

Hallucinating mice could help us understand schizophrenia

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Neuroscientists made mice hear things that didn't happen for a rare look into what creates hallucinations in our brains

Could radiation in deep space fry astronauts' brains?

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New research in mice suggests that long-term low-dose radiation impairs learning and memory

Scientists have restored youth to aging eyes in mice

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New research suggests vision loss may be reversible via induced pluripotent stem cells

Iron concentrations in teenagers' brains can be linked to their cognitive abilities

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Also, women reach peak iron concentration in their brains earlier than men

Birth and cell death may go hand in hand

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Altering the timing of birth changes patterns of cell death in mouse brains

Even short-term exposure to pollution can reduce mental performance

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New results from the Normative Aging Study highlight the connection between air pollution and cognitive function

Got a sweet tooth? Your gut bacteria are asking for some sugar

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The gut microbiome and the brain communicate on a desire for glucose (in mice)