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Sruthi Sanjeev Balakrishnan

Cell Biology

National Centre for Biological Sciences

I’m a graduate student in Cell Biology at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, India. I study how the eye cells of fruit flies perform balancing acts that keep the flies from going blind every time light hits their eyes.

Sruthi has authored 3 articles

Two mini microscopes watched a mouse’s brain move its body in real time

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The NINscope will help researchers uncover how neurons in different regions of the brain interact with each other

Sruthi Sanjeev Balakrishnan

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Aerogel, the world's lightest solid, can help bones heal faster

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New research has developed hybrid aerogels that be used as scaffolds to speed up bone regeneration

Sruthi Sanjeev Balakrishnan

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Ants swallow their own acidic venom to filter their gut microbiome

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Spitting formic acid isn’t just a defense mechanism, it’s also a disinfectant

Sruthi Sanjeev Balakrishnan

Sruthi has shared 6 notes

To adapt to city life, snails in urban centres are more likely to be yellow than pink

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Science-loving citizens helped researchers look at how urban environments affect snails

Eastern snapping turtles use culverts to hunt migratory herring

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Culverts allow fish to move through human-dominated habitats, but they also serve up dinner for clever predators

Kleptomaniacal sea slugs steal solar cells from algae

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New research shows how the sea slugs get stolen chloroplasts to function in their bodies

Immune cells like to double up for stronger infection fighting power

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Once thought to be experimental artifacts, these cell pairs could provide important insights into the immune system

We have many tools in the fight against antibiotic resistance, and we should consider not using them

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New studies hold promise for treating tuberculosis — but also suggest that sometimes the best course of action in treating infections is no action

Could we kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria by impaling them on nanowires?

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have softer cell walls that leave them vulnerable