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Soren Emerson


Vanderbilt University

Soren Emerson is a an entering first year PhD student in the Vanderbilt University neuroscience program. He previously attended, and graduated from, Davidson College with a B.S. in neuroscience. He conducted three years of independent research at Davidson College under the mentorship of Dr. Mark Smith, a behavioral pharmacologist, and Dr. Rachid El Bejjani, a C. elegans neurobiologist. His research modeled the genetic and molecular mechanism of cocaine in C. elegans and the results of the project yielded a first author publication. At Vanderbilt, Soren plans to continue his research career in neuropharmacology.

Soren has authored 1 article

A new drug reduces risk of psychosis relapse in patients with dementia

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Pimavanserin has not received approval from the FDA, but study results are encouraging

Soren Emerson

Soren has shared 8 notes

Psilocybin reduced depression symptoms as much as a leading antidepressant

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New research compared the "magic mushrooms" component to Lexapro

Laughing gas could be the next tool against treatment-resistant depression

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A small clinical trial shows promise for people who don't find relief from antidepressants

Drinking way, way too much coffee might shrink your brain

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Up to five cups of coffee per day seems to be fine. Six or more? Your brain is going to feel it

Tapering off opioids is treacherous for mental health

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A large-scale study shows how the opioid epidemic has created downstream negative health outcomes

What nematodes laying eggs tells us about how cocaine affects the brain

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New research uncovers a link between cocaine and acetylcholine that could eventually lead to new treatments for addiction

New machine learning approach can identify your circadian rhythm from a blood sample

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Doctors do not currently monitor a person's circadian rhythms because there is not an efficient way to measure them

Drug overdose deaths in the US jumped nearly 30 percent in 2020

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The story behind these numbers is complex, but opioids have played a major role

Modified tree resins prevent zebrafish from having seizures

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Could these resins also be used to treat epilepsy in humans?