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Rita Ponce

Evolutionary Biology

Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal

Rita has authored 2 articles

Even cities have their own unique microbiomes

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A study of microorganisms collected from public transportation systems shows even cities have microbial signatures

Rita Ponce

Has evolution changed? Asking experts how Darwin's theories hold up in modern science

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"Reading Darwin even today, one is struck by how effortlessly he 'filled the blanks'"

Rita Ponce

Rita has shared 9 notes

Male and female mice form memories of fearful events differently

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A drug that blocks memory forming in male mice has a different effect in females

Painting the blades of wind turbines helps birds avoid them

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A Norwegian study found avian fatalities fell 70 percent after painting one blade black

Fruit flies behave more bravely in groups than on their own

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Researchers identify how fruit flies communicate safety to each other

Why do some islands have more species than others?

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New research on island birds confirms key aspects of a 60-year-old theory

Worker ants traded their wings for immense strength

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A new study uses high resolution X-rays to study ant morphology

Lactose tolerance spread through Europe faster than previously thought

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A new study traces the prevalence of a lactose-tolerance mutation through genetic analysis of Bronze Age bones

Feeling down or bored? Watching a nature documentary can help!

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COVID-19 is making travel impossible, but Netflix-based nature could help your mood

Male mosaic canaries are more colorful than their female counterparts thanks to one gene

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Researchers found that carotenoid pigments in female canaries' feathers break down faster than in males

A new malaria vaccine made from the rodent malaria parasite is effective in humans

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It reduced parasite load in clinical trial volunteers by 95%