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Marnie Willman


University of Manitoba Bannatyne and National Microbiology Laboratory

Marnie has authored 6 articles

Pregnant women must get their flu shots to help avoid future influenza epidemics

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The flu virus treats the altered immune systems of pregnant individuals as its training ground to get stronger, making vaccination an imperative

Marnie Willman

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We could soon be harvesting anti-viral antibodies from tobacco plants

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"Plantibodies" represent a new avenue for treatments against fast moving viruses like influenza or coronavirus

Marnie Willman

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The sugar in semen makes HIV drugs less effective

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High levels of the sugar can obstruct antivirals from linking with viruses

Marnie Willman

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Viruses can infect the brain, hide out for decades, and then cause Viral Parkinsonism

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How do you study a disease that takes decades to reveal itself? In this case, scientists used mice, viruses, and a little immunotherapy

Marnie Willman

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Researchers create an effective RNA vaccine for malaria

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Tech similar to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines might prevent one of the world's deadliest diseases

Marnie Willman

Bats' unique immune systems make them stealthy viral reservoirs

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These ecologically important animals have been at the center of many major viral outbreaks, and we are beginning to understand why

Marnie Willman

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Marnie has shared 14 notes

Your saliva affects the way you spread pathogens

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Our saliva can vary depending on our physiological state, making us more or less likely to pass on bugs to others

Parasitic wasps murder insects with a smallpox-like virus

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...and other words everyone is happy to hear

Hepatitis C virus tracking could be made easier by next generation sequencing

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The information from sequencing would help epidemiologists trace the disease

CRISPR technology for human gene editing is promising, but serious scientific and ethical concerns remain

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Multiple sectors of society must be involved in the regulation and applications of CRISPR to medicine

Children that go to school near major roadways experience more severe asthma

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New research reiterates that air pollution is a public health risk, and that children in cities are particularly at risk

A good defense is the best offense in medicine

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It may be perceived as "boring" or "routine," but preventative medicine should be a priority in today's health care system

New research on Nipah virus finds the virus spreads rapidly as patients approach death

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This science must be balanced with the rights of sick people and their loved ones

West Nile Virus-carrying mosquitos managed to survive a German winter

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Europe is usually too cold for tropical diseases to persist for long, but climate change helped it overwinter

Eating more fiber feeds whipworm parasites in our guts

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New research shows that interactions between diet and parasites might make people with whipworm infection sicker

Wolbachia bacteria stop mosquitos from spreading viruses

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You may have never heard of Wolbachia, but these bacteria could save us from dengue and malaria

Can hormone levels signal for autism in girls?

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New study moves against the current of gender bias in autism research

Researchers develop a better test for the parasite that causes river blindness

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The WHO estimates that 205 million people in African countries are at risk of infection

Cytokines prevent the whooping cough bacteria from invading the rest of the body (in mice)

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Researchers hope that this finding will eventually lead to new treatment for the disease in infants

The rise of a mysterious lung illness begins to expose the dangers of vaping

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have reported at least 450 cases in 33 U.S. states, as policy makers call for action