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Madeline Barron


University of Michigan

Madeline has authored 3 articles

That stinky armpit smell? It's not you, it's your microbiome

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Whether your body odor is oniony, meaty, or fruity depends on the microbes inhabiting your armpits

Madeline Barron

Scientists have figured out what a nasty gut bacterium eats. Can live biotherapeutics help?

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They're the next big thing for treating C. diff infection, but developing them is a long process

Madeline Barron

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Sugar may trigger inflammatory bowel disease by breaking down gut mucus

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Mice fed sugar-heavy diets have worse colitis and more mucous-degrading gut bacteria

Madeline Barron

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Madeline has shared 9 notes

Your gut bacteria may be hoarding your medication

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Researchers have observed this effect in petri dishes and nematodes

A new device stops hiccups without silly home remedies

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The device consists of a drinking tube with a mouthpiece and a pressurized valve at the bottom

Releasing bacteria-infected mosquitoes in Indonesia prevented the spread of dengue

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Mosquitos carrying Wolbachia pipientis bacteria don't spread dengue fever

Bacillus bacteria can keep fruits and vegetables free of Listeria

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Some bacteria make us sick, and others keep our food safe to eat

Five sugar-hungry bacteria team up against a nasty stomach bug

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Researchers are figuring out how to starve Clostridioides difficile infections

Scientists starved E. coli for 1200 days to learn about bacterial evolution

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They saw two main lineages emerge and compete with each other — all in a single test tube

This backpack-mounted exoskeleton turns excess walking force into electricity

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This assistive technology could make rehabilitation after accidents and even day-to-day activities easier

Animals that eat rotting meat have unique gut microbiomes

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Novel arrays of bacteria that can degrade toxins were found in a survey of wild animal gut microbiomes

Gut bacteria helped mice fight off pesky pneumonia

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Pneumonia strains are becoming antibiotic-resistant, so we need to find new ways of treating infections