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Kevin has authored 8 articles

Why you shouldn't worry about the bacteria in your sponges

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Remember that study about the 'dangerous' bacteria hiding in your kitchen sponge? Not so fast

Kevin Pels

Ketogenetic dieting aids look too good to be true because they are

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For the love of all that is starchy, there is no shortcut to weight loss

Kevin Pels

CAR-T could revolutionize cancer treatment. It can also be fatal

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Nearly 70 years after the invention of chemotherapy, new treatments still come with dangerous risks

Kevin Pels

Could a virus with a sweet tooth become a weapon against cancer?

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Researchers harnessed a virus' natural behavior to attack tumors

Kevin Pels

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Chewing gum could detect disease in saliva and deliver results via taste

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Forget wearables, the hottest tech around is chewables

Kevin Pels

Robyn Metcalfe hits dead ends in her quest to rethink agriculture

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"Food Routes" offers a futuristic vision, but only for a subset of the planet

Kevin Pels

Great news! Hops contain a molecule that improves metabolism!

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And it's the same one that makes your beer bitter.

Kevin Pels

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The next therapeutic frontier may be in your gut

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Scientists are trying to harness the microbiome for healing

Kevin Pels

Kevin has shared 2 notes

Just Months of American Life Change the Microbiome

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Immigrants’ gut bacteria “westernize” soon after they move to the U.S., which might influence obesity in immigrants and Americans alike

The science behind Nike's Vaporfly shoes

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World Athletics has put limits on the types of shoes that marathoners can wear to prevent sponsored athletes from having unfair advantages