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Josseline Ramos-Figueroa

Chemical Biology

University of Saskatchewan

I am a PhD candidate in chemistry at the University of Saskatchewan. I am particularly interested in biological systems and am currently studying the function of enzymes through chemistry.

Josseline has authored 3 articles

How scientists developed the most popular anesthetic used today, without totally knowing how it works

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The "milk of amnesia" is relatively new, and is predated by centuries of weak attempts at pain relief

Josseline Ramos-Figueroa

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Meet Kathleen Lonsdale, the physicist and prison reformer who cracked benzene's code

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Lonsdale assembled her own X-ray crystallography laboratory from scratch to solve a century-old mystery

Josseline Ramos-Figueroa

Scientists find a shortcut to make a rare — and possibly healthier — sugar

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Their one-pot recipe makes a reportedly healthier alternative sweetener

Josseline Ramos-Figueroa

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Josseline has shared 14 notes

Two bacteria team up to poison their slime mold predator

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Alone, these two bacteria are easy meals for the slime mold. Together, they turn the tables on it

T cells activated by mRNA vaccines are effective against Alpha, Beta, and Gamma COVID-19 variants

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Research into other aspects of COVID-19 immunity is swiftly developing

El caso de tres medicamentos reutilizados para los ensayos para tratar el COVID-19

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¿Confundido acerca de qué drogas funcionan o no?

Decades-old theory on how ears work is wrong

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After 30 years, scientists still don't know how the ear tells the brain what it is hearing

The bubbles in your pint of beer are a scientific marvel

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Pouring a chilled beer into a tilted glass produces about 1.5 million bubbles

Chewing pasta too much makes it less healthy

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The latest pasta research shows that tiny bits of noodles lead to higher glucose levels

Researchers investigate which terrestrial and marine mammals might be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2

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The answer lies in the configuration of the ACE2 protein

The case of three drugs repurposed for trials to treat COVID-19

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Confused about which drugs do or don't work?

Scientists look to mussels' feet to build a better adhesive

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Water is a big problem for manmade adhesives, but nature has already figured out a solution

Scientists harness a rare true blue color from nature — in red cabbage

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Chemists gave this natural pigment an extra blue boost with aluminum ions

A glowing blue compound could help us understand the vibrant autumn leaves

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Scientists are tracing what happens in plants when chlorophyll breaks down

Seventy-five percent of STEM graduate students do not consistently feel like they belong in graduate school

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Most students feel negatively or neutral about whether their professors understand the hardships they face

A promising Alzheimer's treatment comes from the red maple tree

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The red maple is the only known natural source of compounds called ginnalins

Scientists turn to a chemical trick to fool flies into eating bitter chow

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This will help uncover how flies react to bitter-tasting compounds