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Joris Wijnker

Veterinary Medicine

Utrecht University

Dr. Joris Wijnker is a visiting researcher at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences – Department Population Health Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

PhD 2009 / Registered since 2009 as Specialist Veterinary Public Health (RNVA)

He is owner of VPH Consultancy, advising on public health and food safety and participating in several research and training projects with various partners

In addition he is serving in the Royal Netherlands Army as brigade-veterinarian with the Operational Support Command Land

Joris has authored 1 article

Paw hygiene is no reason to ban assistance dogs from hospitals – they’re cleaner than people’s shoes

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Service dogs are no more of a hygiene hazard than people, but are regularly refused entry

Joris Wijnker

Paul Overgaauw