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Jenny Howard


Wake Forest University

Jenny Howard is a PhD candidate in ecology, evolution, and animal behavior at Wake Forest. Her research seeks to understand what affects a bird’s decision to forage in a specific place (i.e., prey, sea surface temperature, large-scale climate events) and how that could change as the climate does.

Jenny has authored 11 articles

Meet Katherine Johnson, the computer who helped send men to the moon

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John Glenn wouldn't blast off until she double-checked the IBM's calculations

Jenny Howard

Meet Marjory Stoneman Douglas, champion and savior of the Everglades

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Writer, suffragette, and fierce protector of the "worthless swamp"

Jenny Howard

Blue whales and orcas and more form an emotional bond with humans in "The Breath of a Whale"

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Leigh Calvez blends Cetacean science with Cetacean narrative in her latest book

Jenny Howard

Boobies of the Galápagos are replacing their disappearing food source with junk fish

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Decades of research show how the sardine's decline threatens an entire ecosystem

Jenny Howard

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How fieldwork on a remote, tiny island taught me to navigate family dinners

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Doing science far away helped this ecologist talk to those close to home

Jenny Howard

How to be a better tourist? Look to the Galápagos

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Tourism accounts for 8 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. We can do more to limit our footprint, carbon and cultural

Jenny Howard

There was so much more to Rachel Carson beyond 'Silent Spring'

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The trained zoologist and a bureaucrat pushed for environmental safety her whole life

Jenny Howard

Meet Mary Golda Ross, one of the first Native Americans in engineering

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Much of her Cold War work on missiles is still classified today

Jenny Howard

How an interloper snake decimated Guam's delicious wild chilies

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The snakes don't eat chilies. The connection: birds

Jenny Howard

How weather radar can predict bird migration

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New data helps predict peak bird movements, helping people change their behavior to save avian lives

Jenny Howard

My life in butterflies: how a childhood hobby shaped my career

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Citizen scientists make tangible contributions to data collection

Jenny Howard

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Thinking about releasing thousands of balloons for your local Indy 500? That's littering

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The balloons are supposed to be biodegradable but they're really not