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Elizabeth Burnette


University of California, Los Angeles

Elizabeth is a neuroscientist and science communicator with a broad interest in clinical neuroscience. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at UCLA, studying addiction, specifically Alcohol Use Disorder, in human clinical populations. Her research uses functional neuroimaging (fMRI) and psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) methods. She received her B.S. in neuroscience from Duke in 2018. Outside the lab, she is also a content producer, contributing editor, and podcast host for Knowing Neurons.

Elizabeth has authored 1 article

New drug addresses long overlooked "negative" symptoms of schizophrenia

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A data-driven search found a compound that shows promising results in early trials

Elizabeth Burnette

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Elizabeth has shared 2 notes

Your brain responds to why you're drinking, not just what you're drinking

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Drinking for relief produces a different reaction in the brain than drinking for reward does

Why does COVID-19 often cause brain fog?

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Low oxygen supplies in the brain make it difficult to think and carry out every day activities