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Carl Philpott


University of East Anglia

I was appointed as an academic surgeon to the University of East Anglia in 2010, funded in part by the Anthony Long Trust. As Professor of Rhinology & Olfactology at UEA, I lead on a number of research projects related to chronic sinusitis and smell and taste disorders. In conjunction with my colleague Claire Hopkins, we lead the MACRO Programme Grant awarded by NIHR for £3.2 million, supported by a team of colleagues from UCL, University of Southampton and University of Oxford. The programme will involve a major trial of 600 patients with chronic sinusitis across 16 centres in the UK. Other research roles include being ENT Lead for the Eastern Local Clinical Research Network, Research Lead for the British Rhinological Society where I have helped to shape the national research priorities for nose and sinuses diseases and President of the British Otorhinolaryngology & Allied sciences Research Society.

Carl has authored 1 article