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Anna Robuck

Marine Science

University of Rhode Island

Anna has authored 11 articles

These unregulated, potentially dangerous chemicals are probably already in your bloodstream

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Researchers have known that there are unsafe compounds in our water for decades, but the government is just starting to catch up

Anna Robuck

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Warming oceans cast a chill over New England's sea turtles

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Recent research suggests warming seas will cause more stranded sea turtles

Anna Robuck

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Why don't Americans care about chemicals?

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We need chemicals for daily life, but seem to feel 'apocalypse fatigue' around their dangers

Anna Robuck

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Low doses of contaminants, long ignored, can have vast consequences

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Scientists found cocaine – and a lot of other chemicals – in Minnesota snow

Anna Robuck

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We've poured thousands of manmade chemicals into the ocean. Now they're mixing in unpredictable ways.

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We're just starting to learn about the effects of POP soup and what we can do about it.

Anna Robuck

Widespread PFAS chemical pollution will likely make COVID-19 worse

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These common household and industrial chemicals impair immune system function

Anna Robuck

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After Hurricane Florence, North Carolina's water quality will go down the toilet

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Floodwaters contaminated with coal ash, human sewage, and animal waste throw the entire watershed out of balance

Anna Robuck

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We know terrifyingly little about how our bodies respond to pollutants, but that's changing

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Fish DNA can change in response to pollution. What about the rest of us?

Anna Robuck

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You're eating, drinking, and breathing microplastics. Now what?

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What are the health implications of eating 250 pieces of microplastic per day?

Anna Robuck

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How Shark Week hurts the very creatures it celebrates

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Showing attacks makes people less likely to support protecting sharks, though they rarely bite people unless we harm their food system

Anna Robuck

What "Dark Waters" gets right about the DuPont/PFAS water pollution case

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The movie underscores the dangers of polyfluoroalyl substances in the environment and the corporate malfeasance that led to it

Anna Robuck

Anna has shared 1 note

Scientists just cut the tolerable intake of PFAs by 99.9%

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PFAs are everywhere. In cosmetics, wrapping your greasy take-out burgers, and eventually, 98% of humans' bloodstreams. The recommended tolerable intake for PFAs was just cut by 99.9%.