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Adriana has authored 2 articles

It's time to highlight our fungus friends in our microbiomes

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Our gut microbiomes contain fungi and protists, not just bacteria - so why don't we study them?

Adriana Romero-Olivares

Comment 4 peer comments

Es tiempo de incluir a nuestros amigos, los hongos, en nuestros microbiomas

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El microbioma de nuestro intestino contiene hongos y protistas, no solo bacteria – entonces, ¿por qué no los estudiamos?

Adriana Romero-Olivares

Adriana has shared 3 notes

It's past time to treat international students as more than just money makers for universities

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While the #StudentBan is not a threat right now, the shortcomings that it exposed still are

Guinea pig evolution can teach us about human history in the Americas

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Indigenous people kept them as pets and traveled with them over 1000 years ago