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Simon Spichak


Hi! I’m a neuroscientist and science communicator finishing up my MSc in Ireland. I study the way that microbes living in the gut communicate with the brain, but I’m interested in all things neuroscience! I am passionated about mental health and science communication!

I love coffee, raccoons and basketball.

Simon has authored 4 articles

Could blockchain technology protect patients from counterfeit medication?

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Not so fast. We should be wary of trying to science our way out of large-scale health issues

Simon Spichak

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A breathing tube through the butt could be an alternative to mechanical ventilators

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Inspired by animals that breathe through their butts, scientists show that mammals can also harness the incredible breathing ability of our butts

Simon Spichak

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Microbes in your gut might be impairing your memory

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Gut microbes send different signals to the brain in people with obesity

Simon Spichak

The mother's gut microbiome helps a child's brain develop its senses

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Without the maternal microbiome, a mouse's thalamus under-develops, resulting in reduced sensory processing

Simon Spichak

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Simon has shared 18 notes

Researchers observe a boar releasing two caged younglings in a impassioned rescue

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The act sheds light on the prosocial behavior and empathy of wild boars, thought to be rare among animals

These uses of poop for protection are stranger than fiction

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Defense by dung doesn't always elicit disgust in predators to repel them

The WHO has released new guidelines for genome editing technology

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These recommendations will help improve the safety and access of genome-editing treatments

Bacteria can live without food for over 1000 days

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Nearly three years without food drives innovative survival strategies

Feeding caffeine to bees could help them become better pollinators

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A jolt of caffeine enhances bees' memories

Turn your poo blue (for science) in the #BluePoopChallenge

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Assessing gut transit time gives insight into your gut health

Ancient poop analysis reveals extinct species of bacteria

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Scientists analyzed bacterial genomes from 1000-2000 year feces

Google's new dermatology app misses the mark for BIPOC people

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The technology was trained on 64,387 images, only a tiny portion of which featured dark-skinned people

Eating more fiber could help you handle stress better

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Some dietary fibers are converted to fatty acids, which are linked to cortisol levels in your blood

Google has shown that they don't actually care about ethical AI

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AI algorithms are racist and sexist because these biases are baked into our society. We need to fix this

Feeding gut bacteria may reduce anxiety in women

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In a trial, women who took fiber supplements reported lowered anxiety compared to a placebo

Octopuses sometimes punch fish out of spite

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The mysterious behavior appears related to collaborative hunting and hints at complex emotions

Mind-controlling your computer just became one step closer

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Two people were able to perform tasks like opening Skype with a wireless implant

A scientific correction finds Venus's atmosphere probably does not contain phosphine gas

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The initial discovery set off a flurry of excitement. The reality is something more mundane

A mass Tyrannosaurus rex grave confirms that they hunted in packs

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A collection of T. rex fossils all found in one spot likely died together in a flood

This worm has too many butts

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Researchers have identified how its internal anatomy adapts as its butts branch off

Antidepressant drugs suppress important gut bacteria

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This finding explains why some people who take antidepressants have unpleasant gut-centered side effects