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Matthew Bomkamp

Physiology and Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

University of Florida

Hi! My name is Matthew Bomkamp and I am a master’s student at the University of Florida in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology. I work in a muscle biochemistry lab that researches the effect of mechanical ventilation on the rapid atrophy of the diaphragm muscle. This is a unique problem as many patients who receive life-saving support from ventilators are unable to be properly weaned due to the rapid onset of diaphragm weakness while in ICUs.

Matthew has authored 2 articles

Urbanization increases risk for knee osteoarthritis, even in young children

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A study shows that rural children tend towards a healthier future for their joints compared to kids in cities

Matthew Bomkamp

Can fitness bands predict COVID-19 infection before you show symptoms? Probably not

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WHOOP’s wearables make strong claims — but the science is still weak

Matthew Bomkamp

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Researchers find biomarkers for heart disease in young adults

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The proteomic analysis detected differences in oxidative stress markers