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Lila Westreich

Pollinator Ecology

University of Washington

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. I study the foraging behavior of native bees in urban environments through genetic analysis of pollen.

I believe that we as scientists do a poor job of communicating their findings to the general public – especially when so much of science is behind a paywall. I do my best to share science in accessible ways.

Lila has authored 6 articles

Recognizing monarch butterflies under the Endangered Species Act may do more harm than good

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Recent scientific evidence shows that conservation programs could harm monarch populations if done at large scales

Lila Westreich

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Which came first, the butt or the mouth? New research gives an answer

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It's a chicken-and-the-egg question, but "which came first?" might not be the right way to think about it

Lila Westreich

Climate change will make allergy sufferers suffer a little bit longer each year

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Data from 17 Northern Hemisphere locations indicates that plants are releasing more pollen and for a longer period of time as the globe warms

Lila Westreich

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Chemicals called SVOCs, emitted from household objects, are altering children's microbiomes

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SVOCs are found in plastics, flooring, furniture, and more

Lila Westreich

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You should be excited that scientists are releasing 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes this year

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Texas and the Florida Keys will see the release of GM insects in a plan to reduce disease transmission

Lila Westreich

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Nectar robbery by short-tongued bees is throwing off delicate pollination cycles

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Nectar-robbing by bees leads to fewer visits by other pollinating insects, impacting flower reproductive success

Lila Westreich

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Lila has shared 5 notes

Tiny radio tags reveal the lives of Neotropical stingless bees

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These bees are small, but the tags are smaller

Think mosquitoes only drink blood? Think again.

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Mosquitoes also drink nectar, serving as pollinators for certain types of orchids

Forest fires are good for bee populations

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Scientists identified twice as many bees at burned sites compared to unburned sites

Curious honey bees are more likely to have curious kids

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Foraging honey bees search for new food sources as flowering plants emerge

Native bees are better for the environment and altogether cooler than honey bees

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Celebrate native bees for World Bee Day, not imported honey bees