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Kelsey Lucas

Physiology, Marine Biology, and Ecology

University of Michigan

Kelsey Lucas is a 2016-2017 Media Fellow working in science communications for the Learning Lab at the Bok Center for Teaching & Learning.

Kelsey has authored 6 articles

How this beautiful, invasive jellyfish adapts to dominate foreign ecosystems

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My team combined work in the field and the lab to understanding how comb jellies work

Kelsey Lucas

The Graduate Research Fellowship Program favors elite schools – again

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The early-career grants, meant to boost diversity, end up perpetuating disparities

Kelsey Lucas

Comment 3 peer comments

Scientists are gluing teeth to power saws to learn how sharks eat

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The cutting edge of science isn't always high-tech

Kelsey Lucas

How stressed-out fish are teaching us about human heart disease

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Farmed fish and office-bound humans face a common problem

Kelsey Lucas

What fish fins can teach us about how humans move

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Studying fins could have surprising applications for medicine, engineering, and robotics

Kelsey Lucas

Kelsey has shared 1 note

Peer review is a rigorous process, but it should leave trainees feeling valued and not bullied

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Consortium member Kelsey Lucas shares her story and highlights why this is so important