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Jazmin Murphy

Ecology and Science Journalism

My name is Jazmin “Sunny” Murphy, and I am a science communicator and web content writer. Since 2015, I’ve been producing scientific content that is written in plain English. My love for wildlife has influenced my professional and academic aspirations since I was a kid. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and 21 units of a Master’s education in Environmental Policy & Management (concentration: Fish and Wildlife Management). You can learn more about me and my science writing and reporting work at my website.

Jazmin has authored 4 articles

Animal "construction workers" rebuild natural landscapes more efficiently than humans ever could

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Ecosystem engineers like beavers and tortoises help restore water cycles and tree cover to degraded habitats

Jazmin Murphy

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How a mislabeled wolf skull spurred an erroneous scientific conclusion

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A cautionary tale about what happens when museum specimens are incorrectly labeled

Jazmin Murphy

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Conservation dogs can track individual beavers by the scent of their anal secretions

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The dogs' accuracy in telling animals apart using information-packed anal scents will help wildlife management

Jazmin Murphy

Ecology is overwhelmingly white. How can we halt gatekeeping and decolonize ecology?

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"In order to shift power dynamics, somebody has to give up power"

Jazmin Murphy

Jazmin has shared 3 notes

Need to determine the sex of a walrus? Try looking at their jaws

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To save time in the field, researchers develop a new method for sorting walruses

Female Barbary ground squirrels control their territory while males fly solo

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New research uncovers the social lives of this African squirrel species

Female capybaras control their own mating destinies

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New research shows that they are more choosy about which males they mate with than previously thought