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Enzo M. R. Reyes

Conservation Biology

Massey University

Enzo has shared 6 notes

Declining populations mean young birds have no one to learn their songs from

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Young male Regent honeyeaters are picking up sounds from other bird species

Illegal shark fishing study shows widespread catch of threatened Galapagos species

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The Fu Yuan Yu Leng 999's catch of a dozen different species of sharks is a sign that endangered species need better protection

Feral cats' hunting abilities make them particularly effective predators, even when prey see them

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Prey can spot cats more often than other similar predators, but that doesn't save them

A captive breeding program taught Puerto Rican parrots to "speak" differently

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The new dialect may now complicate their conservation

Dozens of bird and mammal species have been saved from extinction since 1993

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New research shows that conservation actions do save species

A smelly paste tricks invasive predators into leaving native birds alone

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This study reveals a cheap, new method of protecting endangered species in New Zealand