The science Nobel Prizes are sexist, racist, and misleading. Let’s rethink them
Read now →We should be rewarding discoveries, not individuals
Massive Science Report № 3
We worked with scientists in the field to explain how we’re growing meats in labs—and when you can eat them. It’s your introduction to the next agricultural revolution.
Massive Science Report № 1
We’ve gathered a team of geneticists, biologists, and environmental scientists to bring you the most up-to-date report on the science, history, and safety of genetically-modified organisms.
We should be rewarding discoveries, not individuals
Cultured meat would require less land, less water and potentially produce less greenhouse gases
New research with roots in colonial Canada suggests new wrinkles in ideas of evolution
His new book “This View of Life” tries to wedge too much into one biological point of view
‘I try to take people at face value in terms of what their objections are, and to not ascribe them with ill-intent’
Cassava, an African staple food crop, could be poised to become a major source of industrial starch thanks to CRISPR
‘Seeds of Science’ makes a persuasive case for GM technology by a man who used to oppose it
Despite what many say, organic farming will not save us from the worst impacts of climate change
Progressive in science and art, she disregarded sexist norms of Qing-dynasty China
Constantly confronting people who think my research will harm them is profoundly distressing
A New York Times story is a case study in what can go wrong in translating science
A study in rural India is raising hopes for a future without antibiotics
In the near future, “meat” could mean a lot more than it does now
The novel ushered in a concept that actively harms the Global South two centuries later
It sounds like an arcane superpower. It boils down to random mutation and selection
It could free millions from preventable, predetermined suffering
“How does it feel to be a black scientist who owes much to James Watson in general, and in my case, is linked to his specific pedigree?”
He spent decades deconstructing the ways that scientists claim their authority. Can his ideas help them regain that authority today?
Genomicist Devang Mehta cuts through the hype to lay out the facts
PFAs are everywhere. In cosmetics, wrapping your greasy take-out burgers, and eventually, 98% of humans’ bloodstreams. The recommended tolerable intake for PFAs was just cut by 99.9%.
This “first flight” flew the same distance as the Wright Brother’s original plane