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Briley Lewis

Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of California, Los Angeles

Briley has authored 8 articles

A failed star known as “The Accident” is changing the way we look at the galaxy

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The newly discovered brown dwarf is the first of its kind

Briley Lewis

What would photosynthesis look like around other stars?

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Scientists have modeled possible plant behavior on alien worlds

Briley Lewis

Meet Nancy Grace Roman, the “mother” of the Hubble Space Telescope

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She discovered fundamental truths about stars and galaxies, and also shaped NASA into what we know it as today

Briley Lewis

The Last Stargazer takes an intimate view of the world through telescopes

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Emily Levesque’s portrait of “delightful isolation” is astronomer-approved

Briley Lewis

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NASA’s Perseverance Rover has landed on Mars

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NASA’s latest Mars rover and its partner helicopter Ingenuity have touched down safely

Briley Lewis

The first ever image of a black hole’s swirling magnetic field is released

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The Event Horizon Telescope has taken a new image of black hole M87, revealing its magnetic field

Briley Lewis

Let’s go to Venus!

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NASA’s new DAVINCI+ and VERITAS missions will explore Venus

Briley Lewis

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How dark is outer space? The New Horizons spacecraft is helping astronomers find out

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Measurements from beyond Pluto shed light on the “fossil record” of our universe

Briley Lewis

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Briley has shared 16 notes

Distance and our eyes distort the true colors of stars

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New research calculates the colors of stars based on their actual energy distributions

Dust is the surprisingly ordinary culprit behind a supergiant star’s unusual dimming

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When astronomers observed Betelguese last year, they saw it as far fainter than it should have been

Earth’s oxygen is projected to run out in a billion years

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As the Sun ages, Earth’s processes will change

Rocks on Venus’s surface are on the move

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Scientists made this discovery by re-analyzing data from the 1990s

Uranus emits extra x-rays, and scientists don’t know why

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They could be just reflections, or Uranus could have its own version of the Northern Lights

Space travel is now open to the public

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SpaceX’s Inspiration4 has picked two new astronauts and will be launching September 2021

Richard Branson is officially the first billionaire to take off for space

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Branson’s Unity-22 flight ushers in an era of space tourism

NASA’s Perseverance rover can make oxygen out of Martian air

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The goal of putting humans on Mars is now one step closer

China lands its first rover on Mars, becoming the second country to do so

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The Zhurong rover is the first Mars rover to carry a magnetometer

A new tweak to an old model explains the existence of primordial black holes

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Black holes formed in the early universe could be linked to dark matter

#BlackInAstro founder Ashley Walker is fighting for equality in the space sciences

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Just three percent of undergraduate physics degrees are awarded to Black students. Walker aims to change that (and a lot more!)

Community scientists have discovered an unusual brown dwarf star

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Paul Beaulieu and Austin Rothermich were participating in the Backyard Worlds project. You can, too!

It’s not just Gamestop: Elon Musk wants to send Dogecoin to the moon

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The world of space exploration just got a little...weirder

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter achieves the first flight on another planet

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30 seconds of flight on Mars is a universe-wide first

The Perseverance rover sends back the first photos and sounds from Mars

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The rover’s landing was captured in an incredible video

NASA releases the most detailed photo of Jupiter’s largest moon to date

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The image of Ganymede was taken by the Juno spacecraft