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Allan Lasser

Co-founder, Massive Science

I'm a publisher and digital designer. I truly believe the web can be a beautiful place where people use computers to do better, more often, with less.

In 2017, I co-founded of Massive Science to make scientific knowledge more accessible and actionable for everyone.

Allan has contributed to 3 reports

Massive Science Report № 3

You Are What You Meat

We worked with scientists in the field to explain how we’re growing meats in labs—and when you can eat them. It's your introduction to the next agricultural revolution.

Massive Science Report № 2

Opening Our Minds

Join five scientists as they explain the research behind new psychedelic treatments for mental illnesses

Massive Science Report № 1

You Don't Know GMOs

We've gathered a team of geneticists, biologists, and environmental scientists to bring you the most up-to-date report on the science, history, and safety of genetically-modified organisms.

Allan has authored 2 articles

After you march for science, we'll help you keep up the cause

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Join Massive and support our mission to make science and scientists an important part of society, politics, and culture

Allan Lasser

Allan has shared 8 notes


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With over 1,000 octopous, the scientific exploration ship Nautilus has discovered the largest deep-sea octopus nursery.

Meet Margaret Hamilton, who established "software engineering" and powered astronauts

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She programmed the Apollo missions all the way to the moon -- by hand. She's our science valentine.

The government shutdown is going to destroy ongoing research

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Without active care and attention, biological research projects are threatened

The Massive Science Shop is now open!

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